Each applicant to SZIC is considered on Merit. We hope you will explore the information in this section to understand what we look for in our admissions process. Every year Admission for BS (Morning/Evening ) and PGD (Evening) Programs open in End of October. Admission are granted on the basis of Merit by SZIC Admission Committee. Admission for M.Phil/Ph.D Program opens in April-May and admissions are granted on the basis of the Aptitude Test conducted by University of Karachi. Advertisements are published in the leading newspaper of the Country for notification of Admissions. Our Admission Process is online since 2018 and all admissions are registered through our Admission Portal.
Important Admission Dates
Admission for BS Morning/ Evening Program are announced every Year in October/November.
Admission for M.Phil/Ph.D (Islamic Studies with Computer Technology) and M.Phil (Islamic Banking and Finance) Morning Program are announced every Year in April/May as per Notification of University of Karachi
Admission for PGD in Islamic Banking and Finance and B.S(3rd Year) Evening Program are announced every year in October/November.