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The address is : Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi Main University Road, Adjacent to University Staff Gate, Karachi-75250, Sindh, Pakistan and the Phone Number is 99261084

PGD (Islamic Banking and Finance) classes are offered on Fri(6-9 pm) Sat(5-9 pm) and Sunday(9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.) only. PGD Diploma consists of Two Semesters. If you continue our PGD Program to Masters then after 1 year of study you can obtain a Masters Degree in Islamic Banking and Finance.


Yes, you can obtain PGD Diploma after 1 Year (Two Semesters) of study.


The minimum percentage required for Admission in any degree program is 45%. The candidate has to pass the aptitude test conducted by the department after which the candidate is eligible for admission.

Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre has put a step ahead and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IhsanTrust. Through this MOU Financial Aid will be available to those students who need financial help. One of the major focus of this MOU is in the domain of providing Qarz-e-Hasna (Interest free loan) for needy and deserving students of Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre. Through this scheme the Ihsan Trust bears the educational expenses of the students on purely “Need cum Merit” basis in order to enable them to complete their Higher Education from Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi. The Application form can be downloaded from the Ihsan Trust website.

Library and Computer Lab facilities are available for students of SZIC only.

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