B.S (Islamic Studies with Computer Technology)
A Unique combination of Islamic Studies with Computer Technology offered for past three decades in Morning and Evening Program.

It aims at producing students well equipped with the knowledge of Computer Technology along with the specialized knowledge of Islamic Studies and Arabic at Graduate level. The students enrolled in this program do not only specialize in Islamic Studies, but they are also given additional intensive courses in Computer Technology, Economics, and English and Arabic languages. The purpose behind this course is to combine religious education with modern science and technology.

Students from Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre are working in different top notch organizations like Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc. Also our Alumni is working in Top NOtch Software Houses of Karachi city and spreading the name of SZIC.

Courses of Studies
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 311 Islamic Studies 3
2 321 Arabic I 3
3 331 English I 3
4 341 Tafsee & Usool-e-Tafseer 3
5 351 Mathematical Method I 3
6 361 Fundamental of Computer 2+1
    Total Credit Hrs. 18
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 312 Contemporary Muslaim World 3
2 322 Arabic II 3
3 332 English II 3
4 342 Tafseer & Usool-e-Tafseer II 3
5 352 Mathematical Method II 3
6 362 Structured Programming 2+1
Total Credit Hrs. 18
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 411 Islamic History 3
2 421 Arabic III 3
3 431 English III 3
4 441 Fiqhe & Usool-e-Fiqh 3
5 451 Mathematical Logic 2+1
6 461-A Digital Electronics & Micro Processor 2+1
7 461-B Algorithm Analysis & Design 2+1
Total Credit Hrs. 18
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 412 Pakistan Studies 3
2 422 Arabic IV 3
3 432 Communication Skills 3
4 442 Fiqh & Usool-e-Fiqh 3
5 452 Software Engineering 2+1
6 462 Database Management Systems 2+1
Total Credit Hrs. 18
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 511 Islamic Culture 3
2 521 Arabic V 3
3 531 Economics 3
4 541 Usool-e-Hadith 3
5 551 Operating Systems 2+1
6 561 Data Communication & Networks 2+1
Total Credit Hrs. 18
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 512 Islam & Science 3
2 522 Arabic VI 3
3 532 Dawah & tabligh 3
4 542 Hadith 3
5 552 Sirah of Holy Prophet and Western Orientalists 3
6 562 Object Oriented Programming 2+1
7 572 Statistical Methods 2+1
Total Credit Hrs. 21
S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 611 Comparative Study of Religions 3
2 621 Arabic VII 3
3 631 Cosmos & Life in the Light of the Quranic Verses –I 3
4 641-A Moderen Islamic Political Thoughts 3
5 641-B Modern Islaic Social Thoughts 3
6 651 Advanced Methematical Logic 2+1
7 661-A Internet Application Development 2+1
8 661-B Operation Research 2+1
 Total Credit Hrs. 18


S.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 612 Islamic Economics 3
2 622 Arabic VIII 3
3 632 Ayat-ul-Ahkam 3
4 642-A Islamic Philosophy & Kalam 3
5 642-B Ethics & Tassawwuf 3
6 652 Artificial Intelligence 2+1
7 662 Project /Case Studies 2+1
Total Credit Hrs. 21


Program Overview

It aims at producing students well equipped with the knowledge of Computer Technology along with the specialized knowledge of Islamic Studies and Arabic at Graduate level. The students enrolled in this program do not only specialize in Islamic Studies, but they are also given additional intensive courses in Computer Technology, Economics, and English and Arabic languages. The purpose behind this course is to combine religious education with modern science and technology.


This programme requires full time regular study of eight semesters (Four years) of four and half months each. It consists of 147 credit hours, spread over 49 courses of 3 credit hours each.

Degree Awarded

B.S in Islamic Studies with Computer Technology

Pre Requisite for Admission

Passed Intermediate or its equivalent examination with at least 45%.
Taken a course of Mathematics at least at Matriculation level.

Days and Timings

Morning : Classes are held from Monday to Friday   –   9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Evening : Classes are held from Monday to Friday   –   3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid is available through Qarz e Hasna by Ihsan Trust. For more details Click Here

Admission Procedure

Application Form Submission

The applications for the programme will be received online through our Admission Portal.The following documents are to be submitted online along with the application form.

Attested photo copy of Matric certificate along with marks sheet.
Attested photo copy of the Intermediate or equivalent certificate along with marks sheet.
Character Certificate from the head of the institution last attended or from a Gazetted Officer.
Two attested passport size recent photographs.
A photocopy of I.D.Card or a photocopy of B-Form.
Migration Certificate (if outside Karachi Board.)

Applications received after the last date are not considered

Final Selection

The final selection of only a limited number of candidates is made as per the merit list.

NOTE: Applicants seeking admission on the basis of Certificates other than those awarded by Public Sector Boards of Pakistan must submit the Equivalence Certificate issued by the Inter Boards Coordination Commission (IBCC) for Intermediate/A Levels Certificates at least Three Days before announcement of the Admission List.

Tuition Fee

S.No Title Morning Evening
1. Tuition Fee (including Lab Charges Per Semester) 26000 30800
2. Co-curricular Activities 1000 1000
3. Magazine/Newsletter 1000 1000
4. Software Exhibition 1000 1000
5. Total Fee (in rupees) 29000 33800


Seats Available

50 Seats are available for the morning programme. The seats are filled up as per merit list, prepared on the basis of  result of Open Merit.

Apply for Admission Online