Bilal Ahmed Qazi has done his Al-Aalamiyyah (a degree recognized by the Higher Education Commission Pakistan as a Masters in Arabic and Islamic Studies) in 2003 from Jamiah-tul-Uloom Ul-Islamiyah, Banori Town. Then he completed his specialization in Islamic Jurisprudence from Jamia Darululoom Karachi. He has written a thesis on Istisna’ one of the modes of Islamic financing. He has completed his MBA from IBA (Institute of Business Administration), Karachi, Pakistan.
He has been working as a member of the Darul Ifta Jamia Darululoom Karachi. He has written over 2000 fatwas on various issues. These fatwas have been reviewed by as accomplished the scholars as Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Mufti Mahmood Ashraf Usmani, and Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakharwi. He is part of the teaching faculty of CIE, (centre for Islamic Economics, a faculty of Jamia Darululoom Karachi). He was a consultant for day-to-day Shariah affairs at Meezan Bank Ltd (Pakistan) as Shariah scholar from 2006 till 2015. He has been the Shariah Advisor to NAFA Islamic Mutual Funds (Pakistan) as well.
Mufti Bilal Qazi
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