
The Air Conditioned Library of the Center has accumulated a vast collection of material on Islamic literature such as Computer Sciences, Management Sciences, Islamic Banking, Islam, Quran. Tafsir, Hadith, Sirah, Fiqh, Islamic Law, General History, Pakistan Studies, language, Literature, Islamic Encyclopedias, Dictionary, etc. It also has a collection of Journals and Magazines. The library also contains much of important reference works such as the Encyclopedia of Islam, Encyclopedia Britannica, Dictionaries in Arabic and English, Encyclopedia of Religions etc. It provides full facilities to research scholars working for MPhil. and Ph.D. Degrees in Islamic Studies & Islamic Banking & Finance.

List of Journals & Magazines

1 The Islamic Culture (Publication of SZIC)
2 Maarif Research Journal
3 Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization
4 Bi Annual Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies
5 Journal of Education and Educational Development
6 Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies
7 Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi
8 Al-Idah
9 New Horizons
10 Pakistan Journal of Special Education
11 Pakistan Perspectives
12 Journal of Business Strategies
13 Tehseel (Academic & Research Journal)
14 Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics(PJAE)
15 Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research
16 Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
17 Pakistan Journal of Psychology
18 Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences
19 Islamic Studies
1 Islamic Banking Bulletin
2 Bedari
3 Sahifa Ahle Hadis
4 Al Farooq Karachi
5 Al-Farooq(Arabic)
6 Maroof-e-Raza
7 Al Haq
8 Sabaq Phir Parh
9 Al Burhan
10 Bashaar
11 Mohaddis
12 Fiqhe Islami
13 Millia
14 Taj
15 Karwan-e-Qamar
16 Aiteraaf
17 The Muslim World
18 Hikmat-e-baalgha
19 Aalmi Tarjuman-ul-Quran
20 Mahnama Voice of Palestine
21 Nawae Kashmir
22 Dawah
23 Majla Islam
24 Shamas-ul-Mushaikh
25 Maarif-e-Islami
26 Mahnama Bayanaat
27 Fikr-O-Nazar
28 Al-Hamd Islamika
29 Zad-us-Saeed
30 Mujallah Maarif-e-Auliya
31 Mahnama Wifaq-ul-Madaris Multan
32 Al Bayanat (Arabic)


Number of Books

The library currently has a collection of 11084 books.

Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Saeed Corner

The library has a collection of rare books collection donated by Baitul Hikmah Library to Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre. The collection has books on multiple subjects like Islam,Fiqh,History,Islamic History etc.

Qari Ahmed Corner

The library has a collection of personel books donated by the family of Hazrat Molana Hakim Qari Ahmed Peeli Bheeti.


The Library has a very golden collection of books on Allama Mohammed Iqbal life and works. The Books are donated by Iqbal Academy Lahore.

Library Reading Room

A Large Reading Room for the students and Scholars of the center is available to study and research calmly and peacefully. It has a seating capacity of 200 students. Beautiful, silence and calm environment is available for the students and researchers to study.


The library has a software on which all the library collection is organized.

Library Incharge

Mr. Syed Muhammad Saad
Tel Office: 021-99261084 Ext: 109
Cell No: 0332-3310710
