Fake News about SZIC

May it be known to all that News circulating on Social Media including Youtube and Facebook concerning Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi, is Redundant and Mela fide.Those responsible for such a grave attempt of defamation will be approached upon vide Cyber Crime Control and will be subjected to due course of Punishment. Students […]

COVID 19 Notice

Under the prevailing COVID-19 threat and in pursuance of the Government of the Sindh directions, the Competent Authority has directed that the centre will remain close for students, teaching and non teaching staff  to follow the directions in true letter and spirit. However necessary security staff will remain on duty

Press Release – One Day Conference

پریس ریلیز شیخ زاید اسلامک سینٹر جامعہ  کراچی اور  حلال  ریسرچ کونسل کے  اشتراک سے  ایک روزہ کانفرنس کا انعقاد کیا جا رہا ہے’ حلال کے  معیارات کا نفاذاور ہماری ذمہ داریاں   پاکستان کے تناظر میں‘ جو کہ  آئندہ ماہ شیخ زاید اسلامک سینٹر جامعہ  کراچی میں  منعقد ہوگی۔  اس  کانفرنس میں ملک کے نامو […]

Classes Commencement -Evening

Classes will commence  as per following schedule: B.S 2nd 3rd and 4th year :  15th Jan 2020B.S 1st Year  : 23rd January 2020 4.00 p.m. P.G.D/M.I.B.F (Islamic Banking and Finance)  :  17th Jan 2020 6.00 pm M.Phil (Islamic Banking and Islamic Studies) : 18th Jan 2020 10.00 am